Ed Gein Mother's Day Card


Ed Gein Mother's Day Card


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More Information

  • Product Name:

    Ed Gein Mothers Day Card

  • Design Colors:

    Pink, Purple, White, Black, White

  • Availability

    • Greeting Card

    • Post Card

    • Stickers

  • The Story:

    • Say "Happy Mother's Day" in a slighlty twisted way. Ed Gein loved his mother, and you should too!

    • Obsessively devoted to his mother until her death in 1945, Gein never left home or dated women. After she died, he became increasingly deranged and eventually began prowling cemeteries to unearth recently buried female corpses. He would cut off body parts and keep them as trophies, returning the corpses seemingly undisturbed to their graves. In 1954, Ed Gein turned from grave robbing to murder, a task he was less meticulous about. Police implicated him in the murders of two women in 1957. During the investigations, police learned that he had practiced necrophilia and experimented with human taxidermy.

    • That same year, Gein pleaded not guilty by reason by insanity. He was found unfit to stand trial and committed to a mental hospital for criminals. Nearly ten years later, he would be declared fit to stand trial and was ultimately found guilty of murder. He was confined in various criminal psychiatric institutions, including the Central State Hospital in Wisconsin and the Mendota Mental Health Institute, where he died of respiratory and heart failure due to cancer, on July 26, 1984, at age 77.

    • His killings live on as the infamous inspiration for such film characters as Norman Bates (Psycho), Jame Gumb (The Silence of the Lambs) and Leatherface (Texas Chainsaw Massacre).